( Playlist 03 / Make You Tick )

May 14, 2013

So, ages ago, I emailed Kongos and asked them if they'd put together a playlist for me. I received possibly the best playlist ever from Dylan, the lead singer. These are the songs that make them tick, plus a little note about why. Thanks Dylan!

Amadou & Mariam - Djama
"A blind couple from Mali who inspire us to dance and 
make music that gets people dancing."

These Days (Solo Acoustic) - Jackson Browne
"One of our all time favorite Jackson Browne songs - written when he was 
sixteen, its lyrical depth is well beyond his years."

Tinariwen - Mano Dayak
 "Another band from Mali - one of our favorite bands. They make 
blues music like you've never heard before."

Respect - Biggie
"This song is the shit. That's all."

A Rush Of Blood To The Head - Coldplay
"Back in the day when all I had was a 28mb mp3 player, this album was 
all I listened to. Made me realize just how great of songwriters they actually are."

Spiegel Im Spiegel - Arvo Part
"An incredibly simple piano and violin piece by this Estonian composer 
that puts you in a completely different state of mind. "

Natural Mystic - Bob Marley
"This song (and the live video in Dortmund, Germany) is what 
we aspire to in terms of groove. There is no one better."

Graceland - Paul Simon
"One of the first/most prominent uses of South African rhythms and 
harmony in Western music. A great story too."


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